Thursday, April 8, 2010

Boots, Short Skirts, and RED shoes!

OK, so I know that it is now Spring, and so people won't be wearing boots very much anymore, but this was one of those things that I thought of to blog about, and ACTUALLY wrote it down so I wouldn't forget it!
So, the topic is boots and short skirts. When I'm talkin' boots here, I'm referring to knee boots (boots that go up higher than the middle of the calf but no higher than the kneecap). And when I say short skirts, I'm referring to those skirts that are usually ok by your pastor's standards (usually about 4 inches below the knee at all times, or whatever your pastor says is the bare minimum). These boots and skirts are ok and cute when worn individually, but when paired together... I just don't know that I like them. I used to wear them, usually because during the winter, if I don't have a super long skirt clean, my legs get cold if I don't wear boots. But I have stopped doing that after seeing some girls wear the combination. It's kinda hoochie-ish (how in the world do you spell hoochie??) in my opinion. What is it about that? I don't get it but it looks wrong.
Not to say that all boots and short skirt combos look like that. As long as the skirt covers the top of the boots, I think it looks nice. It's when the skirt doesn't meet the boots (or vice versa) and there is like this strip of leg that shows. It just looks funny for some reason. If the skirt was worn with any other type of shoes, the skirt would look fine, but for some reason, I just dislike the whole look. I guess it just gives the illusion that the skirt is really short.

I wanted to share a personal story about red shoes with y'all. My quest for cute shoes is never ending, and I have never had a pair of red dress shoes. I don't really know why - I just can't find any for less than $10 that are cute. Well, the other day I was thinking about it, and I remembered once when I bought some red patent leather pumps that were just sooo super cute! I think I was about 16 or 17, and I loved those shoes! When I showed them to my dad (I always have my dad look at my clothes I buy - it's good to get a man's opinion on these things!) he had me try them on. He looked at them on my feet and said "No way, take them back."
I was crushed. Why couldn't I keep the super cute red pumps? I didn't understand, but I took them back.
About two weeks later, at some meeting or conference, I was there, wearing my outfit that needed red shoes that I didn't have, when I saw one of my old friends wearing those same red shoes that I had bought a couple weeks earlier. When I saw them on someone else, I realized WHY my dad had said no to those shoes - they were really sexy-looking (sorry folks for using the S-word).
Just thought I'd share that story with y'all. As a disclaimer: I'm not saying that ALLL red shoes are sexy, because they aren't. And if you have a pair of super cute red (non sexy) shoes, then TOTALLY NOT FAIR!! (if you grow outta them, I wear a 7.5 *hint hint* lol)

I wore white sandals the other night to church - it was soooooo awesome! I don't know what it is, but wearing white and getting out my sandals makes it feel like I need to do my hair fancier...

There I go again, rambling in my posts... man these things are long! Perhaps I should start calling this blog my fashion epistle...

Happy Spring! (I feel sorry for you all that are out there that it's still cold where you live, or it's raining, because you can't wear summery clothes yet...)



  1. I agree with you on certain shoes. Not only do they look sexy but they make a person walk sexy.

    RE weather; You mean like in Canada. ;)

  2. I agree about the boots.. I't looks so awkward when girls do that. =)

    That same thing about the pumps happend to me, with a very cute zebra stiped jacket that I really wanted... When I tryed it on my parents both said "No".. =(

    Then a few months later there it was, and another girl was wearing it... Makes me glad that my parents can make decisions like that for me, and that way I don't have so many regets later......
