Saturday, March 31, 2012

100 Things

This was inspired by Mrs. Cramer, from Adventures in Odyssey. She is hilarious, if you haven't heard her in "To Mend or Repair," you definitely need to! She goes to an open mic poetry reading and reads her poem entitled "100 Things I Hate." some of the things on her list include: flimsy supermarket lettuce, poems that don't rhyme, children laughing, democracy." Hahaha I love her! I am compiling a list of 100 Things I Hate.
However, since I believe in balance, I am also creating a list of 100 Things I Love. This is written in all jest, and I hope you all enjoy it!

100 Things I Hate by Apostolic Fashion
1. Spandex
2. Slips with slits
3. Cute clothes ruined by rhinestones or sequins
4. Flip flops that cost more than $5 (I mean, really?? They're pieces of rubber!)
5. Hats that make my ears stick out
6. Pimples (they always show up right before a big conference or meeting)
7. Clothes tags that scratch
8. Saggy nylons
9. Cute shoes on the clearance rack that aren't my size
10. Elastic waistbands
11. Sprung bobby pins
12. Uneven hems
13. Greasy lotion
14. Irons that spit water all over my clothes
15. Ill-fitting bridesmaid dresses

100 Things I Love by Apostolic Fashion
1. Converse All Stars
2. High heels
3. Finding a "brand new with tags" skirt at a thrift store
4. Jean skirts
5. Sandals (hallelujah its spring!)
6. Cowboy hats
7. Hot sticks
8. Plaid
9. Dressing up
10. Hearing someone say "omyword I love her outfit" behind my back
11. Scarves
12. Yellow
13. Having someone else do my hair
14. Sunglasses
15. Fuzzy socks

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