Thursday, October 15, 2009


There are certain trends in Apostolic-ism right now that confuse me. These are rather popular, so I might offend a few of my readers. For this, I apologize in advance. Just remember, you can't go to Heaven if you don't forgive me!!! :)
The first thing is a guy thing. Why do guys wear pink? It just looks sooo wrong! Pink is not a guy color! Girls don't wear ties, guys don't wear pink - that makes sense, right??? Every time I see a guy wearing pink, it just makes me wonder what he was thinking. I've heard that color-blindness is common in males, so maybe they are just color-blind and someone told them it was red or something?? they HAVE to know. Why, guys?? I don't understand it! I was at a wedding, and the groomsmen had to wear pink rose boutonnieres. They freaked out! They felt unmanly wearing them. OK, so maybe that was a little extreme, but I'd rather all the Apostolic guys felt that way than the other way! Frustrates me...

Next up, girls' patterned tights/nylons/whatever you wanna call them. We as a movement have stood against tatoos for generations, so why are some girls wearing stockings that look like tatoos?? Nylons are not supposed to catch the eye - they are supposed to be covering! Some of these girls look like they have tire tracks all over their legs! Let me pose the question: should women be wearing things on their legs that attract attention??? Most of the people wearing patterned nylons don't wanna cover them up with a long skirt - they are fashion statements! Therefore, short skirts are worn, and attention is brought to the legs... do I need to make myself more clear???

On to happier notes, I've heard of an awesome message preached at a conference a while ago that goes along with the "Spirit of the Style" post. If I can get a copy of it, and figure out how to post it online, I will share it with all of y'all.


  1. Well I totally agree with you on BOTH of your things!!!
    I despise guys wearing pink!!! I don't think its a sin, cause I havn't found a scipture against it yet...BUT I do think its GROSS!!! Just PLAIN gross!!! My motto is this; "I wann marry a man that knows how to wear the pants in the family and lets ME wear the PINK in the family!!! ;)

    And the Nylons-I think they are ok, if ya are wearing a LONG skirt!!! Cause like I hav had them before AND I just thought they were cute I couldn't understan WHY some pastors preached against them!!! THEN, I saw some OTHER girls wearin them!!! Girls that were wearin skirt right below there knee and I was like OH thats WHY!!! It looks totally hoochie!!! It really does!!! But Like I wear my skirts to the ankle so its not like you can really even see them!!!

  2. Hello,
    I wanted to comment on this post. Keep in mind this is coming from a very conservative Apostolic. I wear patterned tights and coloured tights. First of all, living in Saskatchewan requires a little more practicality in the winter time, and patterned/coloured tights offer a bit more of an option. Secondly, I have talked to guys about this; which draws more attention to the legs, patterned tights or high heels? And they have stated high heels do. I really think that, because heels almost change the shape of your leg, are worse than patterned/coloured tights. I hope this explains my end of things!!

    God bless
    Rachel Peterson

  3. I really, really like you! Both of these points have been bugging me for quite a while. I've been told by some apostolic guys that to them "pink is just another color". However, it is and likely always will be the UNIVERSAL sign of femininity and I really don't understand why any masculine guy would want to wear something associated with feminism.

    I also agree with the patterned tights point on girls. We have always been taught that girls/women should not dress to try to attract attention to certain body parts. The legs is ONE of those parts. Those tights do exactly that, and again I have to wonder what the motive is for the girls/women to wear them.

    By the way, what do you think of men's purses? I'd be curious to know what you think, since some apostolic men seem to be carrying them now (which to me is like the "pink" thing - very traditionally and universally feminine). Thoughts?

    I think that might even be grosser than the whole PINK THING!!! *GAAAAAG!!!
