Saturday, December 25, 2010


Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone is having a good day off, whether you are celebrating December 25th or just enjoying a restful day with family and/or friends.
I regret that I have been unable to update the blog like I have wanted. I wanted to give a reason or two for the absence of posts. I am working on an advanced degree, and it has taken most of my time and brainpower, and will continue to do so for a while. While I love the upkeep of this blog, I feel that I cannot continue to keep it up until my life slows down a little bit. That being said, I am officially announcing my hiatus (even though it's been in effect since June haha). This is not to say that I will not, on occasion, find time to post something. Also, I find that updating the twitter feed is a much more feasible goal than updating the blog, so I will attempt to tweet regularly with my angst about the way fashion is going nowadays (by the way, the twitter feed is once more open to any and everyone to see... and this might be the longest run-on sentence I've ever written).
That being said... what is with people wearing sweaters and leggings?? DISGUSTING! The sweater barely covers the sit-down area of a person, and the leggings are basically opaque tights, which just makes it nasty looking! Why do people do this? What is our world coming to??
On a happier note, I have been searching for the perfect pair of black boots, and I found them today online! Yippee! Think cowboy boot meets black ruffles. Too cute!
I also was recently given the most adorable red shirt with huge red roses on the collar. Now to find the perfect outfit to go with it...

Until I find time again, I wish everyone the best fashion finds and budget bargains! (The plus about this time of year is all the sales! Especially the day after C-mas!!)


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hey Everyone,

I hope you are all having fun in the sun and enjoying cute summery happy clothes! Summer is supposed to be here (it's still confused as to what season it is here where I am). I have been crazy busy so no posting lately, sorry. But I hope you all got a chance to listen to Eld. Alvear's message.

I've been posting pictures to the Picasa account - not gonna lie, I'm totally wishing I had a little girl to dress up right now because they have such cute clothes right now!!! I wish they made Harajuku Lovers dresses in MY size :)

I really do apologize about how slacker-ly I've been with posting - I hope to do much better! Also, if anyone would like to write a guest post and send it to me, I'll be happy to post it (providing it's all scripturally sound of course!!) (I know some of you *ahem ahem* are very anxious to do so lol)


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Beauty Contest

Hey Everyone,

I just finished listening to an old message that I've heard before but it's still good every time I listen to it! I wanted to share it with y'all since it has a lot to do with our topic here on the blog! It's probably the best 1 hour you can spend...

Let's hope the link works... this is Eld. Jonathan Alvear from Sulphur, LA, preaching at North Little Rock Camp Meeting 1998

Sorry it's not a fancy link - you'll just have to copy and paste it into your browser window... I tried to make it a link but it wouldn't work :(


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Twitter Update

So I just wanted to let everyone know that the Twitter feed, which was open for viewing for all, is now protected. I did this because I got some uh... less-than-stellar people following it... this isn't hooker fashion - it's apostolic fashion! :)
So I apologize to those of you who were following it thru Google reader or something like that. If you want to follow the feed, you will have to have a Twitter account (which I know will be an issue for those of you who don't do Twitter). So I apologize profusely!

I bought some gladiator sandals the other day. I know I told y'all not to bother with them, since they were a fad and they would probably go outta style really fast, but they WERE JUST TOO CUTE!! (and they were a steal too!)

O my word, y'all, I saw somethin last night that made me think of you cuz I know you all will LOVE this! HA! Have you seen those spandex pants that are supposed to look like jeans? They have pockets and seams printed on them. Anyway, last night, I saw someone wearing some of those but they were like tie dye blue and white! SOOOO disgusting but hilarious!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!

Thanks for all the comments! They make me happy :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Boots, Short Skirts, and RED shoes!

OK, so I know that it is now Spring, and so people won't be wearing boots very much anymore, but this was one of those things that I thought of to blog about, and ACTUALLY wrote it down so I wouldn't forget it!
So, the topic is boots and short skirts. When I'm talkin' boots here, I'm referring to knee boots (boots that go up higher than the middle of the calf but no higher than the kneecap). And when I say short skirts, I'm referring to those skirts that are usually ok by your pastor's standards (usually about 4 inches below the knee at all times, or whatever your pastor says is the bare minimum). These boots and skirts are ok and cute when worn individually, but when paired together... I just don't know that I like them. I used to wear them, usually because during the winter, if I don't have a super long skirt clean, my legs get cold if I don't wear boots. But I have stopped doing that after seeing some girls wear the combination. It's kinda hoochie-ish (how in the world do you spell hoochie??) in my opinion. What is it about that? I don't get it but it looks wrong.
Not to say that all boots and short skirt combos look like that. As long as the skirt covers the top of the boots, I think it looks nice. It's when the skirt doesn't meet the boots (or vice versa) and there is like this strip of leg that shows. It just looks funny for some reason. If the skirt was worn with any other type of shoes, the skirt would look fine, but for some reason, I just dislike the whole look. I guess it just gives the illusion that the skirt is really short.

I wanted to share a personal story about red shoes with y'all. My quest for cute shoes is never ending, and I have never had a pair of red dress shoes. I don't really know why - I just can't find any for less than $10 that are cute. Well, the other day I was thinking about it, and I remembered once when I bought some red patent leather pumps that were just sooo super cute! I think I was about 16 or 17, and I loved those shoes! When I showed them to my dad (I always have my dad look at my clothes I buy - it's good to get a man's opinion on these things!) he had me try them on. He looked at them on my feet and said "No way, take them back."
I was crushed. Why couldn't I keep the super cute red pumps? I didn't understand, but I took them back.
About two weeks later, at some meeting or conference, I was there, wearing my outfit that needed red shoes that I didn't have, when I saw one of my old friends wearing those same red shoes that I had bought a couple weeks earlier. When I saw them on someone else, I realized WHY my dad had said no to those shoes - they were really sexy-looking (sorry folks for using the S-word).
Just thought I'd share that story with y'all. As a disclaimer: I'm not saying that ALLL red shoes are sexy, because they aren't. And if you have a pair of super cute red (non sexy) shoes, then TOTALLY NOT FAIR!! (if you grow outta them, I wear a 7.5 *hint hint* lol)

I wore white sandals the other night to church - it was soooooo awesome! I don't know what it is, but wearing white and getting out my sandals makes it feel like I need to do my hair fancier...

There I go again, rambling in my posts... man these things are long! Perhaps I should start calling this blog my fashion epistle...

Happy Spring! (I feel sorry for you all that are out there that it's still cold where you live, or it's raining, because you can't wear summery clothes yet...)


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Long time no post :(

Hey everyone, I'm sick of apologizing for not posting so I'm not going to apologize at all!!!
The only thing I've been doing lately (well in relation to this blog - I do lotsa stuff unrelated) is adding pictures to the picasa site. Some cute stuff on there... not gonna lie - I wish I had a baby to dress up sometimes! Just don't want them to wake me up in the middle of the night! :)
It's sandal and white season!!! Yay!!! I get tired of wearing black and brown all the time during the winter... it gets kinda depressing. But now it's officially SPRING and time for sandals and white! Woohoo!!
Is it just where I am, or are there a bunch of babies being born right now? I've been to more baby showers than I care to think about in the last month or so. Which means going baby clothes shopping a lot - which is fun! Must admit - those Easter dresses were SOOOOO cute!!!
I really need a secretary or something - I am always saying "O look at that I should blog about that!" and then when I get on here, I forget everything I wanted to say, and then it ends up being like this - totally random and not very cohesive.
Found a site by an old acquaintance the other day. She makes hair accessories. Wow... very creative, but I'm not giving the site out - she has uh... interesting taste. Talk about flamboyant - those are the kinds of things that make the preacher preach at ya on Sunday nights or even worse at conferences!!! That, and no one can see around your gigantic hair bow...
Alright, I am getting drug away from my computer, so I will try REALLLY really hard to post soon! Something cohesive!

Oh... one more thing... guys, please no rosebuds embroidered on your shirts - its gross and really sissy-ish


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Side Note

I don't like that TreSemme' Deep-Cleansing Shampoo :( Goin' back to $1 VO5 :)

Check out the super awesome picture of Paul Frank rainboots on the picasa page! They are so cute! I'm wishing they weren't for little kids... they need some for adults... either that or I need to shrink my feet. Maybe those people in China 100 years ago had a good idea... juuuust kidding :)

(that last statement was not intended to be politically incorrect of racially offensive... please don't sue me)

Has anyone found some awesome fashion deals lately? I haven't gone shopping in forever (mostly cuz I just bought a way-too-expensive purse so I'm staying away from malls for a while)...

There's this chick sitting next to me in this meeting that is wearing spandex, and it looks like she didn't comb her hair this morning. Apparently she thinks her Burberry rainboots, gucci purse, and burberry coat exempt her from dressing appropriately...

Forever 21 has some super cute hair bows right now that are only like $1.50. Very cute bows, if you're into bows. All kinds of different colors :)


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Apostolic Fashion is now on Twitter!

Hey everyone! For those of you all that are on Twitter, I have great news! Apostolic Fashion is now on twitter! I would have announced it earlier, but I forgot my password for a couple weeks and was embarrassed to announce the twitter feed if I couldn't remember the password for the feed! So I figured it out tonight (I'm so proud of myself!)

The apostolic fashion twitter feed can be found by going directly to or going to, and searching for apostolic fashion! It's an open feed, so even if you don't have a twitter account, you can read the tweets. Go ahead and follow me if you have an account! I unfortunately can't tweet from my phone, but I will try to tweet a little bit every once in a while.

Life has been super crazy busy lately, but soon I will be able to breathe and take things slightly easier, so I will try to post something substantial and informative soon!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Hair (part 1 of many)

Howdy everyone! Happy New Year! Today's topic is the stuff that grows on our scalp - Hair!

Everyone knows that a good hairdo is essential to being fashionable - a good hairdo can make a mediocre outfit look good. Conversely, a bad hairdo can make a good outfit look dowdy.
To avoid being "preachy-ish" in this posting, I will merely give some tips instead of telling you what I dislike :)
For guys - I don't know about the rest of you lovely ladies out there, but there's something about a guy that has taken time to comb his hair in an attractive manner. A good haircut matters, too. It doesn't matter if your mom or your wife or some professional barber cuts your hair. Find a good haircut that looks good on you! Some guys like it military-length, and some guys like it civilian-length. Hopefully none of our apostolic guys like it too long, though - the Beatles shouldn't be our hair models! :) So guys, after you find a good haircut (hopefully you already have), make sure to find a good way to comb it. Are you going to part the hair on the side, in the middle, or will you slick it straight back? You have a few options on keeping it in place, too. Gel, mousse, and hairspray are a couple options. Gel seems to be what a lot of guys like, but if you don't want the "plastered" look, you might want to go with mousse or hairspray. Mousse doesn't give you a helmet head, but it definitely isn't as strong of a hold. Hairspray seems to be hard to use, because there aren't a lot of hairsprays made for men, so unless you can find a manly or non-scented hairspray, you might be worried about smelling like your wife's hairspray. :)
Girls - our hair is our glory! We all know that. Also, the woman is the glory of her husband, so the woman's hair (if she is married) is doubly important. Most apostolic women already know a lot of tricks for hair, and many of us are stopped all the time on the street and asked if we are hair stylists. Here is a list of the types of hair care products that are available to women: pomades, conditioners, leave-in conditioners, gels, mousses, hair sprays, frizz control sprays, curl enhancing sprays, softening creams, body boosting mousses, the list goes on and on. I was at Wal-Mart the other night, getting shampoo and conditioner, and TreSemme' has about 15 different types of shampoos and conditioners! I got the Deep Cleansing kind this time - it says it will take care of the residue left over from mousses, gels, and hairsprays. We'll see :) Anyway, I digress. I don't use a lot of these kinds of products, but I do like TreSemme's Weightless Body mousse (it works well if your hair is like mine - not very body-ish), and Garnier Fructis' Length and Strength line of shampoo and conditioner. The coolest thing I have ever found is the Garnier Fructis Length and Strength leave-in conditioner. That stuff is amazing! I always use it when I have used heat on my hair - it's supposed to prevent breakage, etc. It works for me - if you have a problem with a lot of breakage, or you want your hair to grow some more, try it out!
Speaking of heat, not only do apostolic women use a lot of products on their hair, but they also use a lot of heat-related things on their hair, like curling irons, hot sticks, hot rollers, hair dryers, straighteners, crimpers, etc. I just have a word of caution for these products - use them as sparingly as you can! Heat does damage hair, I promise you! Be careful when using heat products, ladies! Our hair is precious! When using a curling iron, make sure it isn't too hot, and don't leave your hair on it for too long (also don't burn yourself - not very comfortable!). When using hot sticks or hot rollers: these are actually probably the safest form of heat you can put on your hair, because they aren't just metal on hair! However, pulling your hair too tight on them can do damage. Hair dryers cause some disagreement on whether they are safe or not. I personally use my hair dryer more than I use my curlers. I'll let you draw your own conclusions on hair dryers. I can't say much about straighteners, either, since I don't have a need for one, but I can imagine that, just like curling irons, it would be necessary to make sure it's not frying your hair. I didn't intentionally leave crimpers to the last, but maybe that's best. I personally don't like the use of a crimper. Not that I don't like the look of the wavy/braid-ish hair, but I don't like the way the look is accomplished. Have you ever looked at a crimper closely? First off, most of them are metal, without some kind of covering to protect hair from burning. Secondly, if you think about it, the fibers of hair are stretchy a little - most everyone has experienced this when trying to comb out a knot - there is a bit of a flexibility there. However, a crimper takes hair and forces it to stretch and conform to a shape it is not used to taking. This puts a lot of tension on the hair - causing it to be more susceptible to breakage. I have a story bout that - a friend of mine started using a crimper a lot, and was playing with some kids, and one of the kids accidentally stepped on her hair as she was moving, and the hair just came out! Instead of stopping her from moving, like healthy hair would, it just broke off, leaving a big chunk of hair underneath the child's foot. I'm not telling people it's wrong to use a crimper or anything - but please be safe when using all these heated appliances!
So ladies, now it's your turn! I know each of you is a pro at least on one hairdo (most likely more than one! :) Send me some great tips for the rest of the ladies reading this blog - I will be adding some tips for hairdos soon and would like to hear from you!Do you have a favorite mousse that works wonders? A special kind of clip that works for a hairdo better than anything else? A way to make the perfect poof? Or maybe just a killer hairdo that you can tell us how to do! You could even send me pictures - that would be awesome! I love all kinds of comments and suggestions! I want to make this blog a helpful tool for you!
Oh, I keep posting pictures to the apostolicfashion picasa page - check it out!

Cheerio to all you fashionable Cheerios out there!